Our Work is about
Rewilding Relationships with Self, Communities and Environment
Rebirthing a Culture of Conscious Interdependence and Intimacy with Earth
Restoring the Village with Social Cohesion and Collective Responsibility
Rekindling the common use of Council and nature-based Rites of Passage
What we do
Nature-based Education Programs and Retreats
Learning by immersive experiences into nature, aided by guides, our fellow companions, and our natural senses.
Personal well-being and discovery, group development, and environmental stewardship – programs, retreats, and nature-based activities that develop connection, awareness, and resilience.
Our programs encourage and support the acquisition of new skills, tone down our tech dependency, model meaningful values, attitudes, and behaviors, and work to revive the experience of a collective remembering in belonging and partnership with Earth and all Beings.
Online and Onsite Courses
Online classes, group processes, peer dynamics, and compelling nature-based practices in which to engage – innovative online courses and informal experiential education programs that can enliven our sense of place and enable us to connect from literally anywhere in the world.
Our courses are crafted as entry points or to go deeper, create community spirit, learn new skills, embody connection and increase group diversity.
Our programs explore, combine both online and onsite learning modalities.
Events and Practices
We regularly launch local events and sessions that that work toward providing a safe container and learning context for the emergence of interdependence, community, environmental awareness, cooperation, creative expression, embodied learning and reciprocity with Earth.
Our course of practices includes: exploring ways to hear and answer our inherent call,
knowing how to tend to and share restorative relationships,
growing new skills in wholehearted communication,
encouraging the expression of our authentic wild self,
enhancing our capacity for attentive listening,
and more…